Joshua Yoder, airline pilot and co-founder of US FREEDOM FLYERS a leader in the fight to restore for Medical Freedom speaks with April Moss, host of Face the Facts The first interview covers the lawsuit filed November 22 and how American's can help in the fight for medical freedom. In the second, he discusses the letter from attorney Leigh Dundas delivered to the airlines and FAA putting them on notice regarding known hazards pilots face as a result of the vaccine. Josh ends the interview with a "Call to Action" for each of us.
April Moss - Published Dec 28, 2021
April Moss - Published Dec 29, 2021
Josh Yoder points from the interview:
In Pfizer's own documents they say the adverse side effects include myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke, blood clots, and heart attack which can all lead to sudden death.
Recently there have been multiple medical divergence (emergency landings) due to in-flight medical emergencies, two in the past week, one for a pilot that had a heart attack and another that had a stroke.
FAA has never allowed Pilots to take an experimental drug or vaccine.
FAA and the airlines didn't follow their own approval process.
FAA and the Airlines are playing Russian Roulette.
Pilot and Aircrew health and passenger safety are at risk.
Action Item from Josh: Call the FAA (866) 835-5322 and the airlines and demand an answer to Leigh Dundas' letter.
The FAA and the Airlines are Aware and can No Longer Hide
(Please download and read the letter)
Cody Flint, an agricultural pilot from Mississippi, who is permanently injured from the vaccine and Captain Greg Pearson appeared at Turning Point USA's America Fest. Listen to the chilling account of Cody's reaction and permanent injuries following his vaccination in February 2021. Focus on this quote from Cody,
"If it can happen to me it can happen to anybody. I assumed that the government had our best interest at heart, I assumed it was safe, I went on the information I had at the time, I volunteered for it, that let's you know how far from being anti-vax I was. You trust what they are telling you and it can lead to this."
Published Dec 20, 2021